Soggy Seafood

Gameplay Programmer

January 2018

Soggy Seafood

Gameplay Programmer

January 2018

core responsibilitieS

  • Part of the concept creation process.
  • Generalist gameplay programmer.

Game Information

Soggy Seafood is a game in which you find yourself on the bottom of the ocean managing a burger joint as a swordfish. Fulfill the needs of the customers by making the desired burgers. Use your head for movement to pick up ingredients with the nose. Be careful with what you deliver to the customers, they get angry when they don’t get what they want. But don’t be too slow since they don’t like to wait for too long.

Project information

Soggy Seafood is a game created as a second-year project within the IGAD course. This project was part of the marmalade block in which three games are made within eight weeks. The purpose of the marmalades or in other word game jams is fast iteration in concept creation and realizing a minimal viable product to demonstrate the product. The game also works with GearVR as the only controller option.

2 Weeks